Investor Grievance & Query

Investors can seek clarification for their queries and are further entitled to make a complaint in writing, verbally or telephonically.

Compliance Officer details under AIF:

Mrs. Sushma Amin, Tel: 022-43468018

For Queries/Grievances – Email – compliance@baycapindia.com

Principal Officer and Compliance Officer details under PMS:

Principal Officer: Mr. Nikunj Doshi, Tel: 022-4346 8010

Compliance Officer: Mrs. Sushma Amin, Tel: 022-4346 8018

A letter may also be written with their query/complaint and posted at the below mentioned address:

Bay Capital Investment Advisors Pvt Ltd

14th Floor, Bakhtawar, Nariman Point

Mumbai-400 021.


Investors can write to the Investment Advisor at compliance@baycapindia.com. The Investor can expect a reply within 10 business days of approaching the Investment Advisor. In case you are not satisfied with our response you can lodge your grievance with SEBI at https://scores.sebi.gov.in/ or you may also write to any of the offices of SEBI or contact SEBI Office on Toll Free Helpline at 1800 266 7575.

SCORES may be accessed thorough SCORES mobile application as well, same can be downloaded from the below link:

SEBI Master Circular for Online Resolution of Disputes:-

ODR portal can be accessed through link https://smartodr.in/login

The following process flow for has been envisaged in the Master Circular for Online Resolution of Disputes:

Step 1 – A client shall first take up his/her/their grievance with the Market Participant by lodging a complaint directly with the concerned Market Participant.

Step 2 – If the grievance is not redressed satisfactorily, the client may, in accordance with the SCORES guidelines, escalate the same through the SCORES Portal.

Step 3 – After exhausting these options for resolution of the grievance, if the client is still not satisfied with the outcome, he/she/they can initiate dispute resolution through the ODR Portal.


Alternatively, the client can directly initiate dispute resolution through the ODR Portal if the grievance lodged with the concerned Market Participant is not satisfactorily resolved or at any stage of the subsequent escalations mentioned above.


The concerned Market Participant may also initiate dispute resolution through the ODR Portal after having given due notice of at least 15 calendar days to the client for resolution of the dispute which has not been satisfactorily resolved between them.


The dispute resolution through the ODR Portal can be initiated when the complaint/dispute is not under consideration in SCOREs guidelines or not pending before any arbitral process, court, tribunal or consumer forum or are non-arbitrable in terms of Indian law.


In case the Market Participant wishes to pursue online arbitration, then the Market Participant must deposit 100% of the admissible claim value with the relevant Market Infrastructure Institutions prior to initiation of the online arbitration and make the payment of fees as applicable for online arbitration. In case the Market Participant fails to deposit the amount then they may not initiate online arbitration and they may also face consequences as determined necessary or appropriate by the Stock Exchange and could also be liable to be declared as not ‘Fit and Proper’ in terms of the SEBI (Intermediaries) Regulations, 2008 and would be, inter-alia, liable to have their registration cancelled or their business activities suspended.


In addition, to the above-mentioned gist, the Circular prescribes detailed process of ODR mechanism including the arbitration, conciliation and fees & charges applicable thereunder.


Click HERE for downloading the above circular.


Contact Us:

Website: www.baycapindia.com |Email: invest@baycapindia.com | Tel: 022-43468000

Corporate and Registered Address:

14th Floor, Bakhtawar, Nariman Point, Mumbai-400 021.

CIN: U74140MH2006PTC166367